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Thyroid Disorders

Dr. Anju Mathur utilizes several Functional and Holistic healing modalities to help men and women suffering from thyroid disorders. While thyroid disorders can occur for a number of different reasons, Dr. Mathur has expertise in pinpointing triggers of thyroid issues and performing the necessary tests to reduce the effects of thyroid imbalances.

Typically, thyroid imbalances occur due to imbalances with thyroid hormone, and Dr. Mathur can help patients determine latent imbalances and which therapies would be most beneficial in treating their specific conditions. Using an all inclusive and comprehensive program, Dr. Mathur has been able to help numerous men and women suffering from thyroid problems.

Thyroid Disorders

The thyroid is a gland located below the Adam’s apple and above the neck. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, which releases hormones responsible for regulating the body’s metabolism including heart rate and how fast the body burns calories.

The thyroid gland works to synthesize energy from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and helps the body regulate energy and heat production. There are many different types of thyroid disorders: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, goiter, and thyroid nodules.


Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone to keep up with the needs of the body, with Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disease, being the most common cause. Hashimoto’s disease occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid until it can no longer produce hormones.

This disorder is most common in women, those over 60, and those with other thyroid disorders are also more likely to develop hypothyroidism.

But because the symptoms of hypothyroidism are so varied, the condition can often go undiagnosed. Patients with hypothyroidism will experience at least one of these symptoms, but often a combination of several will be present.

The intensity of the symptoms can vary as well, depending on the severity and duration of the condition. Occasionally, some patients with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all, or the symptoms are so subtle that they go unnoticed.

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Nervousness or Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • Increased Sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss
  • Hand Tremors
  • Shaky feeling or trembling inside
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Foggy memory
  • Restlessness
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Muscle weakness
  • And more

What testing is necessary?

A blood test which measures TSH, T4, T3, Free T4 and free T3, as well as Thyroid antibodies and reverses T3 are usually done for a thyroid status evaluation.

Basal Body temperature according to Broda Barnes, MD is a useful indicator of thyroid status of a person.

Dr. Broda Barnes, a physician way ahead of his time, found over 50 years ago that the body basal temperature was a good indicator of thyroid activity.

In particular, the body temperature on rising from sleep. He wrote a book about thyroid activity and the various ills and problems arising from low (hypo) thyroid activity. This test is done at home.

Why Do I have Hypothyroidism?

Starvation or yo-yo dieting can be the culprit in younger patients. Diabetics can also have low thyroid function. Even nasty chemicals in our curtains, bedding, mattress or carpets have a profound effect upon our glands.

In fact, researchers say that perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), chemicals commonly found in carpeting, fabrics, cosmetics, paper coatings, and dozens of other household goods, may be causing permanent damage to your thyroid, leaving you sicker, more tired, and more depressed than ever. Taiwanese researchers learned that high PFC levels can significantly alter your thyroid function. They can even boost the risk of hypothyroidism in women, leading to nasty symptoms including fatigue, depression, obesity, dry skin and hair, constipation, and irregular menstruation.

Or it could simply be that the aging process itself causes hypothyroidism, especially in women older than 60 years.

What are my treatment options?

Standard conventional treatment for Hyperthyroidism is the use of prescription drugs called Anti-Thyroid drugs as well as beta blockers to control symptoms. Often surgery to remove the overactive thyroid gland is recommended or radioactive iodine treatment (which often causes hypothyroidism, also known as underactive thyroid). This approach of surgery or radioactive iodine causes a high risk of hypothyroidism and the start of a vicious thyroid-disorder cycle.

Less conventional treatments include nutritional supplementation such as selenium or iodine and botanicals such as bugleweed and motherwort which can regulate thyroid function and alleviate symptoms without a lifetime of prescription medications.

Also, dietary handlings, such as a trial of total elimination of all gluten/gliadin grains, milk and dairy products to heal gut permeability may be very worthwhile, since Graves’ disease is an HLA-B8 autoimmune disease.

We also support immune system dysfunction using targeted nutrients or IV therapy to stimulate the immune system in the right direction of balancing pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory pathways of the immune system.

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