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Gut Health – More than just a Buzzword

Do you know your gut generally signifies the entire passage between your mouth and anus? This encompasses your esophagus and stomach as well. But a lot of people use the word ‘gut’ to refer to just the intestine. The human gut is a complex intricate system that is responsible for more than you may realize. For example, it would interest you to know that 95% of your Serotonin, a neurotransmitter commonly associated with happiness and emotional behavior, is located within

Unlocking Wellness: Vegan Diet and Metabolic Typing Nutrition

Embracing Individual Health through Metabolic Typing Beyond the Greens: Unpacking Why the Vegan Diet Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All Solution In recent years, the vegan diet has gained immense popularity, drawing individuals for reasons ranging from health and ethics to environmental concerns. Research found that 16 percent of Millennials have chosen strict Veganism at some point. A study estimates that 70 percent of all US Vegans are women. However, this article aims to unravel the complexities of the vegan diet, acknowledging that despite its merits, it may

Metabolic Mastery vs. Keto Craze: Choosing the Path to Your Unique Nutritional Triumph

Metabolic Mastery vs. Keto Craze: Choosing the Path to Your Unique Nutritional Triumph The keto diet has gained significant popularity for its promise of weight loss and improved health. However, the truth is, it’s not the best solution for everyone. Let’s explore why the keto diet may not suit everyone and how a personalized diet based on metabolic typing is a more tailored and effective approach. Understanding the Keto Diet: A Brief Overview The keto diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan designed to

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